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Platforms placate fee consent ordeal: SuitabilityHub
Platforms have vastly improved their bulk processing capabilities, particularly as financial advisers come to dread the new fee consent renewal process, SuitabilityHub managing director Recep Peker says.
Fiducian FUMAA swell to $14.4bn
Fiducian Group reported an 11% increase in funds under management, administration, and advice (FUMAA) to $14.4 billion thanks to improved inflows and the steady rise of the financial markets.
Centaur goes self-licensed, appoints former dealer group head
Financial planning firm Centaur Financial Services has moved to its own AFSL and made a key hire in the process.
Shift needed in retirement income advice: Allianz Retire+
A new report suggests that the adoption of retirement income philosophies and a new approach to risk profiling would see financial advisers better assist their clients in the retirement phase.