Latest News

Platforms placate fee consent ordeal: SuitabilityHub

Platforms have vastly improved their bulk processing capabilities, particularly as financial advisers come to dread the new fee consent renewal process, SuitabilityHub managing director Recep Peker says.

Fiducian FUMAA swell to $14.4bn

Fiducian Group reported an 11% increase in funds under management, administration, and advice (FUMAA) to $14.4 billion thanks to improved inflows and the steady rise of the financial markets.

Centaur goes self-licensed, appoints former dealer group head

Financial planning firm Centaur Financial Services has moved to its own AFSL and made a key hire in the process.

Shift needed in retirement income advice: Allianz Retire+

A new report suggests that the adoption of retirement income philosophies and a new approach to risk profiling would see financial advisers better assist their clients in the retirement phase.

Latest White Papers

Ethics & Governance

Developing effective stakeholder trust strategies

RAY MCHALE   Developing effective stakeholder trust strategies has become increasingly important in the world of corporate governance.

Wills and 'the guilt of giving'

LARISA KAPUR   A Will should be structured in a way that reflects your personal wishes, not the expectations of those around you.


Fixed income outlook for 2025

CHAMATH DE SILVA   It is fair to say that 2024 came to be defined by the final few months, where the US political election, growing fiscal risks, and an ever-resilient US economy sent benchmark global yields higher, despite the start of rate cuts from several major central banks.

Making the case for alternative real estate

JULIAN BIGGINS   The last few years has been challenging for traditional real estate investment.


Life insurance: Orchestrating transformation

CAPGEMINI RESEARCH INSTITUTE   This article comprises an excerpt from the World Life Insurance Report 2025, produced by Capgemini Research Institute.

Life insurance: The path to customer centricity

CAPGEMINI RESEARCH INSTITUTE   This article comprises an excerpt from the World Life Insurance Report 2025, produced by Capgemini Research Institute.


The role of AI in financial advice

CLIVE FERNANDES   While generative AI grabs headlines for its capabilities in content creation and automation, its real value in financial advice lies in how it augments existing processes and empowers human advisers to provide better services.

Australia's cyber security legislative package

LESLEY SUTTON, EMILIE WILLIAMS   The government recently introduced a raft of bills to parliament as part of a Cyber Security Legislative Package. This article explores the proposals to strengthen the existing obligations and government powers under the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.


Debunking myths of lifetime annuities

MANSI DESAI   Lifetime income streams, such as a lifetime annuity, can provide an important benefit to a portfolio, in that they can help address the issue of longevity risk.

The evolution of superannuation operating models

PETER SHERRIFF, CLAYTON ISSITT   Regulatory and stakeholder demands are driving superannuation funds to evaluate their operating models, with a focus on improving efficiency, preparing for potential mergers and scaling in a sustainable fashion.


Changes to the retirement condition of release

STUART SHEARY   The most common condition of release to access a personal superannuation account is reaching preservation age and retiring.

Navigating the transfer balance cap

STEPHEN BLAKE   The transfer balance cap imposes a limit on the amount of capital that can be held in retirement phase in order to support a retirement phase superannuation income stream - also commonly referred to as a superannuation pension.

Taxation & Estate Planning

Superannuation binding death benefit nomination

GERARD BASHA   Superannuation legislation and many superannuation trust deeds permit a member of a super fund to sign a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) in favour of their dependants or the legal personal representative of the member's estate.

Fringe benefits tax essentials

CHRISANTHE LEKATIS   Fringe benefits tax (FBT) is a tax payable by employers on certain benefits provided to employees.


Advice fees from super

SAMANTHA HILLS   It pays to understand super trustees' obligations as modified by the Treasury Laws Amendment (Delivering Better Financial Outcomes and Other Measures) Act 2024 (the DBFO Act), when it comes to advice fees.

Conflicted remuneration escape hatch

SAMANTHA HILLS   Licensees who provide financial product advice in relation to general insurance, life insurance or consumer credit insurance will be familiar with the exemption from conflicted remuneration for commissions on these products.

Applied Financial Planning

Dates every adviser needs to know in 2025

JENNEKE MILLS   Below are some of the key dates for every adviser to be aware of, to help you and your clients hit the ground running when it comes to advice strategy in 2025.

Dwelling on selling? Top tips when selling the home

MARK GLEESON   When a client sells their main residence, you can add considerable value by helping them understand key tax, superannuation and social security issues and opportunities.

Communications & Marketing

How CFOs can add value through communication

NICK FOX   Communication skills are a crucial element in the ability to add value to an organisation.

Five strategies to increase the closing ratio for financial advisers

ESZYLFIE TAYLOR   As a financial adviser, building trust and credibility with potential clients is paramount to increasing your closing ratio and growing your wealth management practice.