Compliance LYNDA DOWLING | FRIDAY, 28 FEB 2020 It may have been over 10 years since the global financial crisis (GFC) unfolded, but the regulatory and political fallout is still driving change for the financial services sector. Read more GAVIN STUART | FRIDAY, 29 MAY 2020 People who are employees, customers and clients of many small businesses across the country have retreated into their homes for both work and self isolation. Businesses have been the subject of federal government (government) directions. Read more LUKE PATERSON , ROB MACREDIE | FRIDAY, 19 JUN 2020 The global response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in many ordinary business dealings now being undertaken remotely due to social distancing protocols and border shutdowns. Read more Investment LOUIS CROUS | FRIDAY, 6 MAR 2020 Most investors appreciate the role of fixed income in a diversified portfolio> That is, steady income streams, lower volatility, and protection against falls in equity values during periods of market stress. However, by the end of January 2020, the ... Read more SETH WEINGRAM | FRIDAY, 1 MAY 2020 A major challenge facing advisers in responding to coronavirus (COVID-19) news-flow is a lack of systematic research to guide decision- making after surprise geopolitical events, such as epidemics. Read more SABIL CHOWDHURY | FRIDAY, 8 MAY 2020 In finance textbooks, academics assume that investors act rationally when making investment decisions. However, in practice, investors are not fully rational. This is especially true during market crises such as the severe volatility and uncertainty ... Read more JULIAN HOWARD | FRIDAY, 5 JUN 2020 Markets have for some time now been largely ignoring fundamentals. This remains the case even as coronavirus (COVID-19) threatens a deep depression. In our opinion, not all market sectors will benefit equally from perpetual policy response. Read more Applied Financial Planning BEN MOFFATT | FRIDAY, 13 MAR 2020 On 29 November 2019, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) deputy chair Karen Chester delivered a speech, 'Consumer outcomes: A truth universally acknowledged', at the Australian Institute of Company Directors Leaders' Lunch. Her speech ... Read more JUSTIN CHANDLER | TUESDAY, 17 MAR 2020 In terms of managing farm operations there are a multitude of financial considerations. Read more MATTHEW WALKER | FRIDAY, 3 APR 2020 The purpose of any advice business is to help its clients to achieve what they want to achieve. So, why is talking about goals-based advice seen as being 'different' from what financial planners have always done? Read more Communications & Marketing SIMON RUSSELL | WEDNESDAY, 25 MAR 2020 My most popular behavioural finance workshop series have been on negotiations. The participants in these workshops were typically teams of private equity investors and venture capitalists, or corporate mergers and acquisitions teams. Read more SCOTT BREWSTER | THURSDAY, 16 APR 2020 According to Business Health's Catscan survey data, 25,000 clients in Australia rated the review service delivered by advisers as the worst-performing area from the perspective of client satisfaction. So, it is safe to say the industry has some work ... Read more Retirement SEAN HOWARD | THURSDAY, 9 APR 2020 The Centrelink treatment of granny flat arrangements is important to understand because of the implications for deprivation and homeownership. Granny flat arrangements can allow a person to transfer assets to another person in exchange for a life interest ... Read more ASSYAT DAVID | WEDNESDAY, 1 JUL 2020 The Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority (FASEA) standards that came into effect from 1 January 2020 are compulsory for all financial advisers who provide financial services to retail clients. The FASEA Code of Ethics imposes ethical duties ... Read more Superannuation NETWEALTH INVESTMENTS | FRIDAY, 24 APR 2020 A spate of changes over the past several years has impacted self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) with increasingly onerous responsibilities. As a result, investors seem to be taking a closer look at the possibility of transitioning from their existing ... Read more Insurance ANDY REYNOLDS | FRIDAY, 15 MAY 2020 An unintended consequence of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Protecting Your Superannuation Package) Act 2019 (PYSP Act) that came into effect on 1 July 2019 means that many total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance claimants may have significantly ... Read more |
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Cover Story

FS Power50: Stay open-minded and learn from others
This year's Power50 is a broad mix of familiar and fresh faces, all doing their bit for their clients, their community, and their colleagues, as selected by their peers. Viridian Advisory senior financial adviser Amanda Ragkousis is committed to nurturing a culture of continuous learning and growth in the financial realm.