Investment BINU GEORGE , HARDIK SHAH | FRIDAY, 18 MAY 2018 The demand for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) or responsible investing (RI) is growing at a rapid pace with nearly USD 23 trillion of assets being professionally managed under RI as of 2016, an increase of 72% since 2012. Read more DOMINICK DEALTO | THURSDAY, 7 JUN 2018 What a difference a quarter makes. When I last wrote in January, we remained cautiously risk on, but extremely nervous in the process. As I noted at the time, we saw risks that a change in the inflation outlook could "cascade throughout the system to ... Read more Superannuation LINDA BRUCE | FRIDAY, 6 APR 2018 The downsizer contributions measure was introduced by the Turnbull Government as part of the Government's broader housing affordability package to reduce pressure on housing affordability in Australia. This new super measure became law on 13 December ... Read more DAVID BARRETT | FRIDAY, 25 MAY 2018 The transitional capital gains tax (CGT) relief election associated with the 2017 super reform measures is a generous concession offered to super fund trustees. It protects assets which have appreciated in value prior to 1 July 2017 in the tax exempt ... Read more Ethics & Governance DAMIEN WOOD | FRIDAY, 13 APR 2018 Interest only mortgages boomed in the U.S. in the 1920s. What followed was the Great Depression. They re-emerged Stateside in the early 2000s. What followed was the GFC and the Great Recession. In Australia interest only loans account for around 35% ... Read more Applied Financial Planning STUART SHEARY | FRIDAY, 20 APR 2018 Employees approaching retirement can have significant leave entitlements. This unused leave can be in the form of annual leave, long service leave and sick leave. Read more JULIE FOX | FRIDAY, 1 JUN 2018 Claiming personal tax deductions for personal super contributions is a valuable new opportunity, if you don't get caught out by any of the common traps. This article outlines the basic eligibility requirements for making personal deductible contributions ... Read more JAMIE WILLIAMSON | TUESDAY, 26 JUN 2018 Having steadily evolved over time, the traditional role of the paraplanner is no more. Read more Retirement JEREMY COOPER | TUESDAY, 24 APR 2018 Former Prime Minister Paul Keating conceded some years ago that the super system was not designed for people who were going to live over the age of 80. Read more |
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Passing the baton
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