Showing 1 to 4 of 4 articles for Simon Russell: SIMON RUSSELL | FRIDAY, 13 JAN 2023 For those who never saw the film Don't Look Up, it is a movie about how the human race responds when they discover that a large comet is on a collision course with Earth. One interesting aspect about the movie was how it dealt with risk and uncertainty ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | FRIDAY, 7 MAY 2021 While most would agree that getting good client feedback is desirable, it can be difficult for a financial adviser to know what their clients actually think. Clients could feel uncomfortable giving direct feedback to their adviser, and advisers could ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | THURSDAY, 13 AUG 2020 The product design and distribution obligations are the latest attempt to remedy poor consumer outcomes. Broadly, the new obligations require that products are distributed to consumers for whom they are suited. The obligations will apply to a range ... Read more SIMON RUSSELL | WEDNESDAY, 25 MAR 2020 My most popular behavioural finance workshop series have been on negotiations. The participants in these workshops were typically teams of private equity investors and venture capitalists, or corporate mergers and acquisitions teams. These are smart ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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Cover Story

FS Power50: Stay open-minded and learn from others
This year's Power50 is a broad mix of familiar and fresh faces, all doing their bit for their clients, their community, and their colleagues, as selected by their peers. Viridian Advisory senior financial adviser Amanda Ragkousis is committed to nurturing a culture of continuous learning and growth in the financial realm.