Showing 31 to 40 of 46 articles: CRAIG HURT | FRIDAY, 24 JUN 2016 Regulation in our market is changing the way that retirement income solutions are built. This paper, developed with the global experience of both AXA Life Invest and AXA Investment Managers, looks at the requirements of individuals in retirement and ... Read more ACTUARIES INSTITUTE AUSTRALIA | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2016 This paper concentrates on longevity risk in the context of the retirement income system in Australia, the UK and the US. Read more AARON MINNEY | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2016 Retirees often ask their adviser if it is a good idea to lock in retirement income in a low interest rate environment. There is often a sense that "rates will have to rise" so clients assume that it makes sense to wait. Read more REECE BIRTLES | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2016 Back in 2020, Martin Currie started to look at how the ageing population was changing the retirement environment in Australia, and how people moving into retirement were actually going to fund their retirement. Read more KERRIE SYDEE , DAVID REED | FRIDAY, 4 MAR 2016 FS Advice spoke with 2015 AFA Adviser of the Year, David Reed, who believes that financial advice must move into a retirement coaching role to enable clients to achieve their goals. Read more ANDREW ALCOCK | TUESDAY, 3 NOV 2015 Age does make a difference when it comes to investing. Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y have diverse investment needs, depending on what stage of life they are in. Managed portfolios are an attractive investment for all generations - as Andrew ... Read more NAB ASSET MANAGEMENT | THURSDAY, 11 DEC 2014 When it comes to retirement, Australians have their sights set on a lifestyle outcome. However, the challenge for the advice industry is building retirees' knowledge of the wealth they need to achieve it. With such a strong focus on the accumulation ... Read more KEVIN CONLON | TUESDAY, 1 JAN 2008 As is well known the Baby Boom generation is nearing retirement age. With much of their wealth tied up in residential real estate, the boomer generation need to work out how that large investment helps or hinders their retirement lifestyle plans. The ... Read more LESTER WILLS | TUESDAY, 1 JAN 2008 In this article Dr Lester Wills reviews work by two US-based academics, Robert Arnott and Anne Casscells. Lester considers the Arnott and Cassells' proposition that a stable dependency ratio rather than a stable retirement age is the only way a ... Read more BENEDICT DAVIES | MONDAY, 1 JAN 2007 There were significant changes to aged care planning that came into effect last year. We look at the opportunities they create. Accommodation bond balances for accommodation bonds paid on entry to low level care (hostels) and extra service places in ... Read more |
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FS Power50: Stay open-minded and learn from others
This year's Power50 is a broad mix of familiar and fresh faces, all doing their bit for their clients, their community, and their colleagues, as selected by their peers. Viridian Advisory senior financial adviser Amanda Ragkousis is committed to nurturing a culture of continuous learning and growth in the financial realm.