Showing 1 to 6 of 6 articles for Betashares: MARSHA LEE | THURSDAY, 28 NOV 2024 ... 2024. Despite the industry's renewed vigour, it remains highly concentrated, with the top three firms - Vanguard, Betashares, and iShares - holding roughly 65% of the market according to EY. In the June quarter alone, these three firms captured 82.8% ... Read more BETASHARES | WEDNESDAY, 24 APR 2024 ... these funds' excess returns to the benchmark over 12-month rolling periods. Figure 1. Source: Bloomberg, Morningstar, Betashares. Five largest Australian Active Global Equity Managers from Morningstar Large: growth, value and blend categories as at 31 ... Read more BETASHARES | THURSDAY, 11 APR 2024 The results are in - 21 years of data, and passive usually beat active. The SPIVA scorecard comes of age this year. For 21 years it has been the go-to report for investors and others interested in the 'active versus passive' debate. With more ... Read more JOHN DYALL | FRIDAY, 19 NOV 2021 ... maturity the more effective they are for the same investment dollar. There is, in fact, a long duration bond product from BetaShares in the ETP market that should be checked out. The other solution is abdrn's just launched Global Risk Mitigation ... Read more KANIKA SOOD | THURSDAY, 27 MAY 2021 ... has also won acceptance from large institutions like BlackRock, Fidelity and State Street. At the time of writing, BetaShares and VanEck are working on ASX-listed ETFs based on cryptocurrencies. And now some advisers are willing to have a look. One of ... Read more BETASHARES | THURSDAY, 6 FEB 2020 ... typically aim to track an index that serves as a benchmark for an entire sharemarket, or a market sector. For instance, BetaShares Australia 200 ETF (ASX Code: A200) gives an investor exposure to the top 200 companies on the Australian sharemarket by ... Read more PAGE: 1 |
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Cover Story

FS Power50: Stay open-minded and learn from others
This year's Power50 is a broad mix of familiar and fresh faces, all doing their bit for their clients, their community, and their colleagues, as selected by their peers. Viridian Advisory senior financial adviser Amanda Ragkousis is committed to nurturing a culture of continuous learning and growth in the financial realm.